I found this newspaper cutting in one my old dairy ... about being Beautiful !! It changed my view towards the meaning of n being beautiful .... "Beauty is the birthright of all women and the sooner they understood it - the better. Beauty is not a single set or arrangement or measurement of feature and complexion. It has no…
Year: 2009
Love towards nature :)
From everything else - i love nature the most. Flora n fauna - river - mountain - sea beaches - rain or anything that are associated with nature.... At my aunty's house (one that lives in Barasat) - there is a plant called "Rongona" on both side of her entrance gate. Those are Chinese rongana ; a bit orangish in…
Forever ….
A man lives forever ... if not in person but through his work - he lives forever. Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay is one of my favorite Bengali writer .... though my bengali is poor (it takes me about 20 minutes to read a page) but still I try to read and enjoy his descriptive way of writing. In his stories one can…
Incredible story …. of survival !!
Met Kali didi (didi = elder sister) while staying at our uncle house in Andharmanick. Met her after a long time - around 10 years. She lives in Hakimpur - the river Sonai flows in front of their house - it's the border of Bangladesh. She talked about things that is happening at the border and also about her struggling…
My trip to kolkata …
Yesterday we (me n my mother) came back from Kolkata .... we exactly don't live in Kolkata but on the outskirt of it. Barasat - where my 4th mama (maternal uncle) and my choto mashima (younger maternal aunty) lives. Andhermanick ... our maternal ancestral grandfather's house but he died long ago ... my grandmother still lives there with elder uncle…