I found this newspaper cutting in one my old dairy ... about being Beautiful !! It changed my view towards the meaning of n being beautiful .... "Beauty is the birthright of all women and the sooner they understood it - the better. Beauty is not a single set or arrangement or measurement of feature and complexion. It has no…
Month: November 2009
Love towards nature :)
From everything else - i love nature the most. Flora n fauna - river - mountain - sea beaches - rain or anything that are associated with nature.... At my aunty's house (one that lives in Barasat) - there is a plant called "Rongona" on both side of her entrance gate. Those are Chinese rongana ; a bit orangish in…
Forever ….
A man lives forever ... if not in person but through his work - he lives forever. Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay is one of my favorite Bengali writer .... though my bengali is poor (it takes me about 20 minutes to read a page) but still I try to read and enjoy his descriptive way of writing. In his stories one can…