Enjoy the Wordless Wednesday .... n the rest of the week :)
Month: May 2010
The Bright n The Beautiful !!
I was reading in many blogs about "wordless wednesday" ... so i thought why not start a new series ____ "Sunny Sundays" as to start the week ahead with a Bright note ... with a smile on the face :) so here's the 1st one ...... " The Bright n The Beautiful ! " Can dedicate this to my maa…
Satyajit Ray …. pride of Bengal !!
Satyajit Ray (1921 - 1992) ______ one of my favorite director n a proud pride of Bengal. He is known for his humanistic approach to cinema n for which he had won many International awards as well. He also is the first n only one Indian to recieve an Honorary Oscar in 1992 for Life Time Achievement. He made movies…