Orange is considered a warm color ..... Orange brings up memories of fall leaves, pumpkins and Halloween. It symbolizes balance, warmth, enthusiasm, vibrance, flamboyancy, and is demanding of attention. Took this shot ... long time back ... in January ! Have a Great week :)
Month: June 2010
Water …. is Life !!
Posting this article for World Environment Day !! Just few days back .... we (my brother n cousin) were talking about water : that it won't be long when countries will fight for fresh water ie. drinkable water ... like now they're fighting for oil in Gulf countries. Water is the second name for Life - without it nothing can…
Yellow leaves …. !
This week .... will post different colors everyday ... dedicating it as colorful week !!! .... but off course there isn't anything colorful about the Delhi's wheather .... it's dry n still dry - well it's better than dust strom :) Have a nice day ... n have a Great weekend .... n as bright as Yellow !!
Morning pick ….
Happy Wordless Wesdnesday ..... my hometown Andharmanick (West Bengal) - India.