Delicious Kheer Aam !!
i have read a lot about Kheer-Komola … “Thickened milk with orange”. When i first read about kheer komola on the net – i thought how can milk and orange can be used together …. won’t it curdle ? – but later i realised (when i read about orange barfi) that when the milk thickens – its consistency changes and it won’t curdle despite being mixed with orange.
Now to make Kheer Komola …. i will have to wait for a long time to get oranges as winters are far away right now !! So what to do …. why not make Kheer Aam. When the markets are full of mangoes – it would be a brilliant idea to try Kheer Aam. No need to say – mangoes are my favorite summer fruit esp. Dasheri ! They are without fail always sweet …. i actually like their shape too – and their yellowish green color – despite being lovely orange from inside. No doubt Dasheri are my favourite. i have tasted others (which are available in Delhi market) – but for me – no other mangoes can beat the sweetness of Dasheri.
Sadly i have noticed that from past few years – the quality of Dasheri has gone bad – i really can’t tell about other mangoes as i eat them just because my mom (maa) insist me that i should at least taste all the seasonal mangoes – well she is right too …. but never actually noticed if their quality has changed or not. There was a time when i could choose Dasheri from the vendor without thinking or being choosy but now have to pay more price and still have to pick them carefully !! Every year i hope they will improve the following year – it’s a different story that they deteriorate in quality every following year. Of course – this year too i wish the same
Ingredients :
3 ripe mango – 3/4cup sugar – 1 lt full cream milk – 2 large bay leaves – mint to garnish
In a wok bring milk to boil on medium flame.
Stir regularly to prevent milk from getting burnt.
Add bay leaves – stir occasionally. Let the milk get thickened a bit.
Add sugar – stir more regularly. Let it thicken further.
When the thicken milk coat the back of the ladle – the kheer is ready – it might look loose but when it cools down – kheer will thicken further.
Puree one mango and cut 2 mangoes into cubes.
Add 3 tbsp of puree of mango in a glass – add kheer on top of it. As the two get mixed together – interesting pattern form which looks great.
Put the glass filled with kheer-mango puree in refrigerator for a hour.
Before severing …. garnish with mango cubes and mint twig – Enjoy !!